Thursday, May 12, 2005

Subject: Ever Feel Exploited?

Email to Cathy, Thursday May 12, 2005

Dear Cathy

I'm afraid I'm doing something harsh and unforgivable. I couldn't make up my mind what to write about for the Art 109 term paper. I finally decided, fuck it, I'm going meta.

I've appropriated your paper and turning it in as mine. How heinous is that?

As supporting material for this outrageous stunt, I've created a weblog that'll be turned in with "my" paper. You can see it, in progress, here:

**Being a weblog, it starts at the bottom of the page and works its way up.**

I hope you understand that I mean you no harm or insult by doing this. Looking at it one way, it's a pretty sleazy thing to do. But from another perspective, it's kind of funny, and something of a compliment to you. I mean, Sherry Levine didn't rip off just *anybody*.

Anyway, you know how I am. Really poorly self-censored. Once the idea came into my head, there wasn't much that I could do to stop it from coming out.

Hope things are going well in Bismark. Give my best to Wade & your mom.



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